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Thursday, May 26, 2011


In my opinion, words that are worth quoting are a larger idea summed up into a few memorable words, and I am a really big fan of quotes of all kinds. The thoughts of those who were in the middle of the action always give me a better idea of the reality they lived through and their perception of it.

Walt Disney is quoted as having said, "I would rather entertain and hope that people learned something than educate people and hope they were entertained."

On the other side of the spectrum is Samuel Goldwyn, who said, "Our comedies are not to be laughed at!" Huh? I thought that was the idea!

Alfred Hitchcock was an original — a one of a kind! He said, "A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it." He made a lot of them that were "worth it."

There are two Will Rogers quotes about movies that rank right up there with my favorites. The first on is "There is only one thing that can kill the Movies, and that is education." My other favorite Will Rogers quote about movies is, "I'm not a real movie star. I've still got the same wife I started out with 28 years ago."

Clint Eastwood had it right when he said, "This film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country."

Jean-Luc Godard said, "Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world."

Which brings me back around to Walt Disney. He said, "Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood."

I don't know anybody who doesn't love movies — at least some kind of movie. Maybe that is what makes movies one of those things that help bring people together.

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